Here's my scale:
5 ***** = Page turner, loved it, couldn't put it down, simply amazing. Recommend to everyone. Definitley e-mailing the author.
4 **** = Still a really great book, but didn't quite have the 5 ***** edge. Recommend to most everyone.
3 *** = Eh, wasn't good, wasn't bad, straight in the middle. Recommend to only some.
2 ** = Bleh, had a hard time getting through this one, maybe too inappropriate, not a great book. Recommend to probably no one.
1 * = Couldn't even finish the darn thing!!
And another note... I don't like to blather on forever about each book, so I usually try to keep my reviews short and sweet. I review books based on what stood out to me, and what I loved the most. I can't pick through and retell the entire story for you, sorry.
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