Review Policy

Well, there really isn't much to say here. I rate on a simple, 5 star (*****) scale, 5 stars being the highest, 1 star being the lowest. In my reviews, I won't hesitate to reveal some plot points I really enjoyed, so I'll just give you the SPOILER warning now, ahead of time. Read at your own risk. To be helpful, I'll also try to include any "appropriateness factors" if I review books that are not specifically Y.A., and more adult fiction.

Here's my scale:

5 ***** = Page turner, loved it, couldn't put it down, simply amazing. Recommend to everyone. Definitley e-mailing the author.

4 **** = Still a really great book, but didn't quite have the 5 ***** edge. Recommend to most everyone.

3 *** = Eh, wasn't good, wasn't bad, straight in the middle. Recommend to only some.

2 ** = Bleh, had a hard time getting through this one, maybe too inappropriate, not a great book. Recommend to probably no one.

1 * = Couldn't  even finish the darn thing!!

And another note... I don't like to blather on forever about each book, so I usually try to keep my reviews short and sweet. I review books based on what stood out to me, and what I loved the most. I can't pick through and retell the entire story for you, sorry.

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