Friday is for Fairytales is a meme hosted by Irena at This Miss Loves to Read. Every Friday, you can choose a fairytale you love, or simply find interesting or haunting, and review it or simply say why you like it so much, or why it has captured your attention. Instead of a fairytale, you can choose a favourite fairytale character and describe him/her and tell us why you like them, or you can simply share an experience connected to a fairytale. Fairytales can be old and modern, written by a known author or anonymous, written down or passed on orally, short or in novel form (like re-writings of fairytales), international or typical for your country alone. In this case, present your country’s fairytale and we can all become acquainted with a new fairytale. So, make a post every Friday that is connected to the world of fairytales, be it a review, a character description or your own fairytale experience. Let’s celebrate fairytales and share our love for them.
MY POST IS ABOUT: Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol
This has to be one of the most out-there fairytales in existence. As a child, I enjoyed this fairytale for its wild sense of imagination and pure, untamed craziness. Whenever I watched the Disney movie (which was quite often), I lost myself in the world that is Wonderland.
As I became older, and started to realize just how insane the story of Alice in Wonderland is, I always wondered, What kind of drug was Lewis Carrol on when he wrote this? Little did I know that Lewis Carrol was actually a long-time sufferer of seizures. So I can only imagine what poor Lewis Carrol saw as he was tortured with seizures, constantly jumping in and out of consciousness.
What I love about this fairytale is the theme of escapism... that there is a whole other world waiting for you; you just have to imagine it. If this world is weighing down on your shoulders, why not imagine a new one? Why not dream your cares away?
I think as we grow older, we lose a lot of our imagination. This fairytale is just a reminder that no matter how old you are, you can still dream up a crazy world like Wonderland. No matter how old your are, you can still escape to your favorite place and just--for once--have some fun.
Oh, what a LOVELY blog you have!! (The better to read, my dear! Lol.) I'm now a follower!
I loved this post about "Alice In Wonderland"! That was one of my favorite books when I was a child. I think it's high time I re-read it...
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this classic fairytale!
Maria @
Maria: Thanks so much for your wonderful compliments!! :)
You're very welcome! And thanks for commenting on my blog!!
One little thing -- you've told me that you're following, but I don't see your icon on the followers' list. I wanted to let you know about this by e-mail, but you don't have an e-mail address posted anywhere. So, I'm letting you know here. Could you try it again?
Thanks!! : )
No problem!! :)
Well that's funny. :/ Let me try it again and see... Google sometimes, I swear! And for reference my e-mail is
Sorry about that!!
Hi, again, Rachel!
It finally came through! And no problem -- glitches happen. But thanks anyway!!
And thanks as well for your e-mail address! : )
Maria: Okay, good! :) You're absolutely welcome!
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